Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Edwards Hall

Curriculum Newsletters

Curriculum Newsletters

We are looking at our curriculum in a new and interesting way. While English and Maths will continue to be taught as discreet subjects, many other areas of the curriculum will be covered through themes. As part of this new structure the children’s ideas will be incorporated into the planning. The aim of this approach is to have an exciting and stimulating curriculum which motivates the children to be independent learners.

The curriculum newsletter gives you a brief overview of what the children will be learning about. The pictures are there to stimulate discussion with the children and help them to think about different directions they could take their learning. Please take the time to talk to your child about the theme they are covering and what they would like to learn more about.



eyfs spring 2 2025.pdf


eyfs spring 1 2025.pdf


eyfs autumn 2 2024.pdf


eyfs autumn 1 2024.pdf


Year 1


year 1 spring 2 2025.pdf


year 1 spring 1 2025.pdf


year 1 autumn 2 2024.pdf


year 1 autumn 1 2024.pdf


Year 2


year 2 spring 2 2025.pdf


year 2 spring 1 2025.pdf


year 2 autumn 2 2024.pdf


year 2 autumn 1 2024.pdf


Year 3


year 3 spring 2 2025.pdf


year 3 spring 1 2025.pdf


year 3 autumn 2 2024.pdf


year 3 autumn 1 2024.pdf


Year 4


year 4 spring 2 2025.pdf


year 4 spring 1 2025.pdf


year 4 autumn 2 2024.pdf


year 4 autumn 1 2024.pdf


Year 5


year 5 spring 2 2025.pdf


year 5 spring 1 2025.pdf


year 5 autumn 2 2024.pdf


year 5 autumn 1 2024.pdf


Year 6


year 6 spring 2 2025.pdf


year 6 spring 1 2025.pdf


year 6 autumn 2 2024.pdf


year 6 autumn 1 2024.pdf



