Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Edwards Hall



We believe that all children have the capacity to become confident mathematicians.
The National Curriculum highlights the importance of not only being 'fluent' in maths but also being able to reason and to solve problems.
We have been developing the way we teach Mathematics in light of this and in response to new approaches from across the world.
The use of physical resources and visual aids is at the heart of our teaching because they help children to fully understand 'why', when approaching a problem, and they help transfer that understanding onto new problems.

Our Maths Approach

maths curriculum document.pdf

We have produced this document to show how different physical resources and visual aids are used progressively through the school.

