Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Edwards Hall

Our Staff



Mrs D Donoghue

Deputy Headteacher:
Mrs L Campbell

Assistant Heads:
Mr M Jellett
Miss C Mansfield

Mrs J Briggs

Well-Being & Family Support Assistant:
Mrs S Cooper

School Business Manager:
Mrs K Wybrow

Site Manager:
Mr J Redgate


Receptionist & Welfare Assistant:
Mrs R Howard

Pupil Administrator:
Mrs H Pate

Finance & Communications Officer:
Mrs K Hunter

Foundation Stage Teachers:
Mrs J Eborn
Miss C Mansfield
Year 1 Teachers:
Miss K Burrows
Miss A Beaman
Year 2 Teachers:
Miss K Fajga
Miss S Dilks
Year 3 Teachers:
Miss V Guy
Miss L Helleur
Year 4 Teachers:
Miss T Rogers
Mr N Harvey
Year 5 Teachers:
Mrs K Dennett
Mr J Rowley
Year 6 Teachers:
Mr M Jellett (Maths Leader)
Miss E Kirsh (English Leader)

Additional Teaching Staff:
Mrs S Freeman

Nursery Nurse:
Mrs M Sibley

Higher Level Teaching Assistants:
Mrs K East, Mrs M Eve, Mrs T Allen, Miss L Frimley

Learning Support Assistants:
Mrs C Bibby, Mrs J Blake, Mrs T Cox,  Miss L Davies, Miss C Hannan, Mrs C Feather, Mrs R Hardy, Mrs D Perham, Mrs T Spiers, Mrs H Russell, Mrs S Tape, Mrs V Walker

Mid Day Assistants (in addition to above staff):
Miss J Brien, Mrs S Hussain, Mrs L Jackson, Mrs J Price, Ms D Sanja, Miss A Small, Mrs M Spicknell, Mrs R Withington
